A couple of days ago I have removed my do-it-yourself Tweet-it button and put the button from Tweetmeme (↑) on this blog.
It's more encouraging for website visitors to retweet a story that already has been retweeted a lot.
People follow the crowd.
Besides that the button looks pretty, too.
However, as simple as it is to put a button on a blog or website I still got it wrong.
Browsing the Web I can see that I am not alone.
Therefor I decided to write a short article about how to get Tweetmeme up right.
The problem on my site was as follows:
- Blog visitor clicks the tweetmeme button
- A new window opens
- (If they have not done this previously, they need to authorize tweetmeme for their twitter account. Eventually they also need to login to Twitter.)
- The following text is suggested for being retweeted:
Do you spot what's wrong?
At first, it should be my twitter username that's retweeted, shouldn't it be.
Secondly, the text is not really informative or encouraging a retweet, isn't it.
Thanks to
Andy Beard (↑) for shooting a quick email to me and pointing this out. Andy is someone whose suggestions got
picked up by the tweetmeme developer team (↑) after his blog post in May, 2009. Now Andy uses Tweetmeme on his blog.
Setting Up The Tweetmeme Button Correctly
Obviously I have screwed up this rather simple task. Shame on me.