This is a post I had written much earlier on a static web-page. Now I am importing it into the blog. It’s not such a bad idea to revisit Seth Godin’s work from time to time anyway. Enjoy.
Seth Godin - A Podcast and a video from a TED talk
Shortly after I turned on the computer this morning, I decided that I will continue to write about Seth Godin and provide you with two great resources about smart marketing.
The Podcast for Tribes
On September 12th, 2008 Seth Godin had recorded an exclusive interview style
podcast done by and for his community
(I don’t hot link there, because it is a private community — and will remain to be private — and all you would see is a login screen.)
In this roughly 47 minutes Seth talks about
- His notion of Tribes
- The Book: Tribes - We Need You To Lead Us
Listen to the Podcast now