Now it's offical:
“Stay Hungry” has been chosen as the best career advice for lesson 7 of
Daniel Pink's book
The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need (↑).
It was a land-slide victory for
Becky Blanton. She says,
“I'm going to TED, but those whose stories are told on the blog at are going with me. In the coming months the blog will be redesigned in order to highlight and showcase those people who are both ‘Staying hungry’ AND ‘Saying Thanks’ as Ed Brenegar and I team up to spread OUR ideas.
In July I'll be blogging and vlogging about TED on that site as well.
My dream is that my win will bring more traffic, attention and help to ALL of you who are not only staying hungry and saying thanks, but are giving back and leaving an imprint in this world. With nearly 5,000 votes cast - the stories and efforts of many charities are getting out. Thank you […]”
Thanks to those of your who have supported my call for help. I know you are many. That brings me to the second part of this blog post.
“Help” versus “Free” -Email Statistics Compared
(and the essence of a good speech - a video with author Daniel H. Pink)
Before I started promoting Becky's campaign she was 2% points behind at 39%. When the ballot was tallied up she scored high at 72% of about 5,000 votes in total. Not bad at all.
Before I continue, I need to make a big disclaimer: It was not my humble campaign that caused Becky to win. It was a collective effort of her friends and fellows from Triiibes member #1
Mr. Seth Godin certainly played an important role in the game. His call for vote was heard and echoed by a much, much larger group of people.
However, I am somewhat proud of you dear readers and readers of my email newsletter, because you have proved to care about other people.
Let's compare the stats of two of my more successful newsletter editions.
We have date, subject line, open rate, click through rate, and conditional open rate.
Jan. 13, 2009
I need your help... (wish me luck)
29.3% of the recipients opened the email.
15.9% of the recipients visited the blog.
54.3% of those who opened the email visited the blog.
Oct. 23, 2008
a twitter guide for you,... download, no opt-in needed
What we can observe here is that the subject with free twitter guide (download, no opt-in) almost got twice the attention. Seems like everybody (on this email list) is greedy and jumps immediately because of the word free.
What happened once the email has been opened? That's when the situation turned around. One third more readers decided to click through to check out what to vote for in this contest compared to those who wanted to download the free twitter guide.
In both cases: no opt-in, required and a PDF document (twitter guide versus Becky's and Martin's scary Johnny Bunko Comic with Zombies career lesson)
Of course we can speculate about the reasons now…
But I just wanted to share those numbers with you and I want to say, once more,
“Thank you.”
Before I close I want to show you a video hat demonstrates that Daniel Pink, the author of Johnny Bunko…, might be the right person to listen to when it comes to career advice
AND he gives us the essence of a good speech.
Do you think now
Johnny Bunko could be the right book for you?
John W. Furst
P.S.: Becky Blanton's Lesson 7 for Johnny Bunko PDF is not available for download anymore from my server. Get this
timeless, funny career advice. But visit Becky's new site instead
Vote for Stay Hungry and get your free E-Book Let me be honest with you right up-front. My friends and I need your help. But, we've prepared something for you in return. All you need to do is to vote for “Stay Hungry” in the Johnny Bunko conte
Tracked: Jan 21, 00:47
Welcome to the January 28, 2009 edition of the book marketing blog carnival. Marketing and Online Marketing Erika Collin presents 100 Tips, Tools and Resources to Take Your Book Club to the Next Level posted at Learn-gasm. Brian Terry presents “Liv...
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