About a week ago I wrote
“How To Add A Different Perspective To Your Blog” (↑). I mentioned
Chris Garrett (↑) — a professional Blogger, who currently offers to write guest posts on the Blogs of and for his readers. Today, Chris announced the first posts that he wrote. Here they are, and believe me, they are a great “read”.
Here are the direct links to those posts: Each one will open in a new browser window:
Each of these posts demonstrate what skilled writer
Chris Garrett is. The posts are condensed to the essence, contain valuable, to the point information and are fun to read at the same time. Chris Garrett is a blogging and internet marketing consultant. Read more about him on Chris Blog.
I hope Chris will continue his
“5 Tips” series of posts. Since I suggest that click through and read these posts, I let you go here. I will
stay tuned, definitely.
John W. Furst
“More readers” is your ultimate goal for your Blog. The more readers you attract on a regular basis, the more your Blog will work for you. Whatever you want to get out of it, like money, influence on public opinion, etc. Follow some basic rule
Tracked: Nov 01, 21:50