Update on Feb. 8, 2013: Deleted all entries with outdated tips or broken links.
Update on April 12, 2015 We have discontinued this blog carnival.
Welcome to the nineteenth edition of email marketing tips on March 23rd, 2010.
This is the first edition of my email marketing tips blog carnival this year. I have hand-picked all entries myself and hope that I will get useful blog article submissions to the next edition.
By the way: Here is the complete archive with highlight of the best contributions with useful email marketing tips.
Today’s categories:
- copywriting
- general tips
- practical tips
Browsing Tip: If not stated otherwise all links in this email marketing tips carnival edition will open in this window. Use the back button of your browser to come back here or open links in a new window or tab.
Sonia Simone wrote The Betty Crocker Secret to Email Marketing that Works posted at Copyblogger, saying, “You’ve heard it a thousand times: the money’s in the list. If you’re serious about getting results online, you need to build a list of people who are paying attention to you, typically an email list.”
Doberman Dan wrote David Deutsch’s Advice To Copywriters posted at Doberman Dan - Direct Response Entrepreneur, saying, “At John Carlton’s Action Seminar David Deutsch shared several life-changing pieces of advice with me. David is one of the handful of top “A list” copywriters… the very best hired guns who write for the HUGE direct response companies like Boardroom, Agora, Rodale and Phillips.”
general tips
Jo Miles wrote Email is not a webpage posted at Beaconfire Wire Consulting, saying, “There is a simple rule, ‘Keep your email design simple!’”
John W. Furst wrote Single Opt-in Or Double Opt-in Email List - Are You Wasting Money? posted at E-Biz Booster Blog, saying, “You might not like the answer I am giving you. Wake up, that’s what it is about.“
practical tips
That concludes this edition.
Now go on to read
edition 20 of email marketing tips blog carnival.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on my index page for
email marketing tips.
John W. Furst
P.S.: If you like this edition, check out the previous
email marketing tips - edition 18, too.
P.P.S.: And
submit your related blog article for the next edition. Do it right, now.
Contact me to
host an edition of this carnival on your Internet marketing related blog.
- Get your blog more exposure!
- It’s easier than you might think.
submit your articles to this carnival.
Thanks in advance for your contribution.
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