Shortly after I turned on the computer this morning, I decided that I will continue to write about Seth Godin (↑). He was so kind to leave a comment on my lates blog post, “Tribes - A leadership book written by Seth Godin”
On September 12th, 2008 Seth Godin had recorded an exclusive interview style
podcast done by and for his community
(I don't hot link there, because it is a private community — and will remain to be private — and all you would see is a login screen.)
In this roughly 47 minutes Seth talks about
- His notion of Tribes
- The Book: Tribes - We Need You To Lead Us
Podcast with Seth Godin (audio only, 47 min.)
Are you finally inspired to buy the book?
You should be. This book is about
- marketing and leadership,
- about leadership and marketing,
- about tribes.
The book is already an Amazon bestseller, the book is short and small and simple. It argues, as clearly as Seth is capable, that
leadership is the best marketing tactic to any organization — a company, a school, a church, a job seeker.
Our role today is to find, connect and lead tribes in order to make change happen.
We see Tribes behind every successful brand, organization, politician, non profit and cause. And yet it seems almost impossible to attract a tribe. In this book, Seth tries to explain that the
challenge is leadership, not marketing or hype.
Check it out now.
John W. Furst
Welcome to the October 15, 2008 edition of business books. AndrewB presents FREE E-Book: 7 Roadblocks To Success posted at Personal Hack, saying, “Did you know that either success or a failure is usually a pattern in your life? Think back about ...
Tracked: Oct 16, 11:06
Welcome to the October 17, 2008 edition of a make money blogging carnival. Welly Mulia presents What Passive Promotions Can Do To Your Business (In A Good Way) posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia. Ozone presents...
Tracked: Oct 17, 22:54
Welcome to the October 22, 2008 edition of the book marketing blog carnival. This is our second edition, and we once again have some great blog posts to share with you. Do you blog about subjects of interest to authors and publishers? Be sure to submit...
Tracked: Oct 22, 22:13
John with Tribes - The Book It is Saturday, October 25th, 2008. A special day. Today I have started and finished reading Tribes - We Need You To Lead Us written by Seth Godin. That's why it is a special day. The book is dense While reading, you fe
Tracked: Oct 26, 03:59
Welcome and thank you for visiting the Customer Service Carnivale! I'd also like to thank Blog Carnival for choosing us again as the carnival of the day. As always, we have some great submissions, so let's get the party...
Tracked: Oct 28, 06:43