A couple of days ago I have written, “Your Business Needs To Grow Continuously”. Today I want to combine that important fact with a very easy to do management or personal development practice, that helps you to achieve your goal, tune out distraction as you learn to focus on what's really important.
You will see it's not about time management or life management as some call it. You still have to come up with a way to use your time efficiently. Of course you can refer back to my original series of articles about Productivity and Time Management, “Touch It - Do It - Get More Done”. I wrote a total of 4 articles on that subject and they are available combined into a single PDF report in the download area for my newsletter subscribers. Actually the PDF contains some extra content that is not released on my Blog.
Might be the right time to sign up to my newsletter, right now. (To my existing subscribers: I'll send you the download info as soon as I have finished this post.) Sorry for the little detour.
Let's get back to productivity issues. The little, but nonetheless important advice I'll give you fits almost everybody.
Team Members,
Entrepreneurial CEOs,
For Money Bloggers,
And it can be applied to business- , job-, and personal-life equally well.
“The goal of that exercise is to get into the habit of focusing on the important tasks.”
1. Determine what kind of repetitive, atomic tasks drive your output respectively bring you closer to your goal on a daily basis.
With atomic task I mean something that cannot be broken down any further.
E.g. a cold call to a potential prospect could be such a task, or the collection of a single email address from a shopper in your store, … But not something like opening a new store, because that requires many tasks performed by many people to make it happen.
This exercise is about your life, your responsibilities, and dreams.
For example:
The more cold calls, the more appointments.
The more comment on other Blogs, the more traffic, which drives your advertising revenue.
The more submissions to more Blog Carnivals, the more back links, etc. (no spam as a result of this exercise, please. you need to remain relevant to the carnival)
The more social bookmarking, the more traffic, etc.
The more articles, the more traffic to your web site.
The more you start conversations, the easier it becomes for you to talk to strangers.
Now commit yourself to a plan and decide how many of those activities you need to perform every single day. Excuses are not allowed. This little list has to become your bible for the next 2 weeks. Or you can make such a bible for your contractors and employees to show them what you expect.
2. Completing the tasks on that list should become your highest priority.
As I said this is not sophisticated time management here. This is a simple exercise that helps you getting into the habit of focusing on the important things.
It also will show you something else. If you are getting tired of writing 25 comments on other Blogs and would rather like to do market research instead and work on a new product. (I just take the Internet business example here). Then it's the perfect time for outsourcing such repetitive an activity.
If you stick to it, you'll be happier and more relaxed very soon, because you are pushing your business drivers forward and you certainly feel satisfaction by sticking to your plan and accomplishing your little, but important mini goals.
You'll also see that you don't miss the activities that used to become excuses in the past.
If you like this post, please, do some social bookmarking for it.
I wish you a very nice weekend.
E-3 Carnival of Network and Internet Marketing - March 8, 2008
Welcome to the March 8, 2008 edition of e-3 carnival of network and internet marketing.
John W. Furst presents “10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Grow Continuously” posted at E-Biz Booster Blog, saying, “You probably have heard it before, a business that doesn’t grow, dies.”
Terry Dean presents Jay Abraham Shares His Amazon Secret posted at Integrity Business Blog by Terry Dean.
Don D. Morrison presents Discover ...
Weblog: E3 Success Blog Tracked: Mar 09, 23:27
E-3 Carnival of Success Principles - March 8, 2008
Welcome to the March 8, 2008 edition of E-3 Carnival of Success Principles.
Jirel presents The secrets of my happiness posted at Positive and Successful Life Style tips.
Mary presents Learn The Ancient Secrets of Creative Visualization To Expl...
Weblog: E3 Success Blog Tracked: Mar 09, 23:27
a make money blogging carnival - March 14, 2008
Welcome to the March 14, 2008 edition of a make money blogging carnival.
Steven Lohrenz presents 3 Ways I Create Unique Products posted at Steven Lohrenz, saying, “3 groups to focus your product development efforts”
Roger Smit...
Weblog: SuccessPart2.Com Tracked: Mar 15, 22:40
Email Feedback Loops And Some Internet History
In 1994 about 14 years ago I started to use the Internet at the University campus. Very quickly Email became one of the most important tools for me and it is still today. However, with the upcoming of spammers and anti-spam measures Email ha
Weblog: E-Biz Booster Blog Tracked: Jun 25, 20:11
This is a nicely written post! I create a list at the top of every day that I want to accomplish that day. I do not waiver until that list is complete. Using your time wisely is a big part of success in your goals.
Welcome to the March 8, 2008 edition of e-3 carnival of network and internet marketing. John W. Furst presents “10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Grow Continuously” posted at E-Biz Booster Blog, saying, “You probably have heard it before, a business that doesn’t grow, dies.” Terry Dean presents Jay Abraham Shares His Amazon Secret posted at Integrity Business Blog by Terry Dean. Don D. Morrison presents Discover ...
Tracked: Mar 09, 23:27
Welcome to the March 8, 2008 edition of E-3 Carnival of Success Principles. Jirel presents The secrets of my happiness posted at Positive and Successful Life Style tips. Mary presents Learn The Ancient Secrets of Creative Visualization To Expl...
Tracked: Mar 09, 23:27
Welcome to the March 14, 2008 edition of a make money blogging carnival. Steven Lohrenz presents 3 Ways I Create Unique Products posted at Steven Lohrenz, saying, “3 groups to focus your product development efforts” Roger Smit...
Tracked: Mar 15, 22:40
In 1994 about 14 years ago I started to use the Internet at the University campus. Very quickly Email became one of the most important tools for me and it is still today. However, with the upcoming of spammers and anti-spam measures Email ha
Tracked: Jun 25, 20:11