Why do I call it a
“fake carnival”?
Well, because it's not a registered, ongoing
Blog carnival. I simply want to drop those guys and gals, who have featured my posts in their carnival editions a little
“thank you note”.
I appreciate all your editorial efforts. The list is basically in some sort of chronological order, with a few exeptions. Some folks featured me multiple times. It was great working with you.
Some people are putting up their carnivals as I wrote this, so I have to expand the list.
“Thank you very much - I wish you a good year 2008!”
John W. Furst
P.S.: I hope I did not leave anybody out. If so, just
drop me a note, and I will fix it.
In December 2007 I wrote a little Thank You Post for all the editors that featured my articles in their blog carnivals. It got quite a positive response. I have not been very active during the holidays and in January, but I decided this second that I
Tracked: Jan 26, 00:33