When I first saw this interactive mega-pixel photo I certainly thought, “Wow!”, and since I have mentioned Obama in my post
“Yes You Can”, I decided to share it with you.
Check it out. It is quite impressive, you can pan and zoom around and therefore it's fun too.
David Bergman used the same NASA technology that was used to create the stunning picture from our Red Planet Mars.
The result is an unprecedented 1 474 mega-pixels photo. In comparison the average consumer digital camera operates on 5 mega-pixel. The detail is amazing. Pan around and take a closer look on the 2 million people who came to Washington to take part in this historic event. What earrings does Hillary Clinton wear? You even can make out that little detail.
David Bergman says,
“Covering the inauguration of President Obama was one of the biggest thrills of my life. Little did I know that it would be topped by the reaction to a photo I made that day. …With the ability to zoom in and move around the photo, it turned into an international game of ‘Where's Waldo?’ In the first 5 days, the image was viewed by millions of people in 186 countries.”
You might also want to check out the
Gigapan (↑) site for more information about that technology and to view other “highest” resolution images.
John W. Furst